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2022 ROAR & RUN

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Lions Park PTO’s 8th Annual Roar & Run

Lions Park PTO is excited to be back-to-school and support our wonderful school again! The Lions Park ROAR & RUN is a spirit-filled run for all second through fifth graders and serves as our school’s largest fundraiser for the 2022-23 school year.

All money raised is tax-deductible and will go directly into PTO sponsored Programs. Our 2021 Roar and Run was so successful that the PTO was able to fund school supplies, LRC books and activities throughout the year including Assemblies, Family Nights, and KONA ICE!

In order to continue providing these programs we need parents and friends of our school to get involved and support our students as they participate. It will be an opportunity for the students to build school spirit and have fun!

Goals and Pledges

Our goal for the 2022 Roar & Run is to raise $20,000 and build school spirit and promote physical activity!
DONATE ONLINE! Visit 99oledees.com/fund/2022roarandrun search for vour child’s first name and last initial (i.e. “John T.”).

All donations are due on Thursday, October 6th


  • STUDENT PRIZES: Students that raise $50 or more in pledge donations will receive a Leo the Lion stuffed animal!
  • RAFFLE PRIZES: Each student that raises $25 or more will be entered into a raffle to win gift cards from local Businesses. Students will get multiple raffle entries for every $25 they earn – raise $100, get 4 raffle entries!
  • CLASS PARTICIPATION PRIZE: The classroom that exercises (jog, walk, run, etc.) the most will receive EXTRA RECESS TIME with Mr. Shaffer! (please see log attached)
  • BONUS PRIZE: NEW THIS YEAR, If we reach our goal, the whole school will earn a special assembly!!

  1. One of the most fun parts of the ROAR & RUN is building school spirit leading up to the event. This year we have a whole week of SPIRIT DAYS before the ROAR & RUN. Here’s our schedule:

Spirit Week

One of the most fun parts of the ROAR & RUN is building school spirit leading up to the event. This year we have a whole week of SPIRIT DAYS before the ROAR & RUN. Here’s our schedule:

  • Monday, October 3: PAJAMA DAY – Wear your favorite (school-appropriate) PJ’s or something comfy/casual!
  • Tuesday, October 4: MISMATCH DAY – Wear your wackiest outfit!
  • Wednesday, October 5: SPORTS DAY – Wear something from your favorite team or sport!
  • Thursday, October 6: CRAZY HAIR DAY – Wear a fun or unique hair style!
  • Friday, October 7: LIONS PARK SPIRIT DAY – Wear blue/white or your spirit wear!

We are in need of parent volunteers to assist during the Roar and Run. Please contact Jaclyn Henriquez at jaclynm80[at]hotmail.com to volunteer.

PLEASE NOTE: Friday, October 7th. is a HALF DAY – Early Dismissal at 11:50am

View the flyer below for move information.

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